SolAR: Automated test-suite generation for solidity smart contracts

SolAR: Automated test-suite generation for solidity smart contracts

Overview of the SolAR architecture


Smart contracts have rapidly gained popularity as self-contained pieces of code, especially those run on the Ethereum blockchain. On the one hand, smart contracts are immutable, have transparent workings, and execute autonomously. On the other hand, these qualities make it essential to properly test the behavior of a smart contract before deploying it. In this paper, we introduce SolAR, a tool and approach for Solidity Automated Test Suite GeneRation. SolAR allows smart contract developers to generate test suites for Solidity smart contracts optimized automatically for branch coverage using either a state-of-the-art genetic algorithm or a fuzzing approach. It enables a novel way to handle blockchain operations—or ChainOps—from a pipeline perspective, entailing a larger-scale as well as more manageable and maintainable service continuity.

Science of Computer Programming
Stefan Driessen
Stefan Driessen
Ph.D. Candidate at JADS

My research interests include blockchain technology, data markets and data meshes.